Register Now: 2016 Economic and Leadership Summit

Register Now: 2016 Economic and Leadership Summit

From workforce and employee engagement issues to changing technology to the skyrocketing real estate market, business leaders face an ever-shifting array of challenges and opportunities today. Constant awareness and evolution are vital to staying ahead of the curve and continually gaining momentum.

Please join us for the fifth annual Leadership and Economic Summit on November 29, 2016 at the Multnomah Athletic Club. We've gathered some of the region's most successful business leaders to share how they're approaching today's challenges, offer insight on their success, and discuss what's ahead in 2017.

Q3 Commentary: Inflation, Rising Interest Rates and What To Do About It

Q3 Commentary: Inflation, Rising Interest Rates and What To Do About It

For the last 7 years the vast majority of economists and analysts alike have incorrectly forecasted rising interest rates and the possibility of rampant, out of control inflation. Recently, however, these same soothsayers have flip-flopped and said that they now believe that interest rates will likely stay lower for longer.

Q2 Commentary: How to Manage a Sideways Market

Q2 Commentary: How to Manage a Sideways Market

A sideways moving market, as we have seen recently, requires a different mindset to navigate. Indeed global developed markets have been flat for a couple years now, emerging markets have been flat for 10 years, and US Small Cap stocks have had zero return since late 2013. Most Wall Street sources have described it as, “The most hated bull market ever.” The following charts have us asking ourselves, is it possible the bull market ended and no one noticed yet?

To Attend the Party Or Not

To Attend the Party Or Not

We just finished hosting a few open houses for friends of the firm, and whether it was one too many glasses of wine or the volatility we saw in the first quarter, I think we stumbled on an interesting topic. Truth be told, we are a little late publishing this newsletter. In spite of some volatility in the first two months of the year, not much has changed. Thus, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, we wanted to revisit a discussion (reference the earlier newsletter) regarding the emotion investors experience during market volatility.

We Already Wrote This Commentary

We Already Wrote This Commentary

As of this writing at the end of January 2016, the markets have been quite volatile. We have had a few conversations over the last couple years with clients wondering why we were so conservative. A few actually pointed to other investors who were earning a more substantial return, while their returns were more subdued. It is amazing how quickly the narrative in the market has changed from momentum-based risk taking to capital preservation.

When Brand Promise Matters to the Business Model

When Brand Promise Matters to the Business Model

I had grown to expect the offering from Wal-Mart for the variety of merchandise and competitive pricing. This is the essence of their brand promise, great selection and low prices. I do not, on the other hand, go to Wal-Mart expecting to receive exceptional customer service, be greeted by name or see a familiar face. Because whether intended or not, that too is part of their brand promise.