Pilot's Log: On AI - Boom, Bust & Beyond

Pilot's Log: On AI - Boom, Bust & Beyond

The primary challenge facing AI investment is the uncertainty surrounding its economic viability. Many AI models, particularly large language models (LLMs), are capital-intensive, requiring massive computational power while generating limited immediate revenue. The current AI expenditure model mirrors an industrial manufacturing approach, where high upfront costs may not yield expected long-term profitability.

Whether AI investment yields substantial ROI or becomes a cautionary tale of over investment remains to be seen.

Pilot's Log: On Grant Williams and Investing vs. Speculation

Pilot's Log: On Grant Williams and Investing vs. Speculation

Speculation has gained an increasing share of markets, as we have glorified the short-term trade. In the 1950s the average holding period of a stock (ie. a business) was 8 years. Today it is closer to 5 months. A businesses performance has become all about the stock price. CEOs are compensated, not on the success of the business, but the gain in the stock price.

Read more about we and Grant Williams thinks about this strategy.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

On August 5th, the Japanese stock market declined by 12% in a single day and the next day it increased by 10%. There is no possible way that Japanese businesses were worth 12% less on one day and 10% more the following day. Academics and the wall street money machine would have us believe that “markets are efficient.” The prospects of this theory are as absurd today as when Benjamin Graham wrote his seminal work on value investing, The Intelligent Investor.

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the prescriptive investment wisdom by the late Benjamin Graham. After his own father - Warren Buffet considers Benjamin Graham the second most important person in his life, saying "He embodied what Walt Whitman described as, ‘Men who plant trees that other men will sit under.’ ”

On Empowering Teens: The Importance of Summer Jobs and Investing Early

On Empowering Teens: The Importance of  Summer Jobs and Investing Early

As summer quickly comes to a close and kids are headed back to school, many of them with a wad of cash in sitting in the bank, we thought it apropos to share some thoughts on how to encourage the youth in your life to use this opportunity to it's fullest.

Encouraging teenagers to work during the summer and save through a Roth IRA is a powerful strategy for building their financial future. This real-world experience instills a strong work ethic, fosters the understanding of the value of money, while leveraging the benefits of tax-free growth and compound interest. Starting them on this path early can make a significant difference in their long-term financial well-being, can set themselves up for a more secure and prosperous retirement, all while learning the value of hard work and responsibility.

Adjusting the Sails

Adjusting the Sails

Long in the making, my family explored Paris, the French countryside and the Normandy region in June and July. As I was reflecting on our trip during the flight home, I took note of what made our trip such a success: the inherent uncertainty of travel, excitement for the unknown, thorough preparations, a curiosity and thirst for growth, flexibility to adapt, and an optimistic attitude that no matter what we encountered, we can thrive.

In reviewing our current allocations and positioning, it is not lost on me that these same traits are guiding our investment decisions. As Nick writes in this quarter’s newsletter, despite economic and political volatility and all the associated unknowns, we feel very, very good about our current strategy.

Pilot's Log: On Anti-Fragile Investing & Volatility

Pilot's Log: On Anti-Fragile Investing & Volatility

"When we long for a life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure." - Peter Marshall

In the world of investing the concept of volatility as a measure of risk is foolish. The entire investment world has been built around this concept and it’s ridiculous. Instead, the concept of anti-fragility as introduced by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his seminal work, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, holds profound importance for investors.

Pilot's Log: On Reflections from the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting

Pilot's Log: On Reflections from the Berkshire Hathaway  Annual Meeting

The meeting in general is a masterclass in business, investing and general advice to live a rich, abundant and happy life. Most importantly we get an update from Warren Buffett on how our company is performing. This year felt a little different, Warren Buffett (93 years old) was without his business partner of 60 years, Charlie Munger, who passed away in November at 99.9 years old.

Pilot's Log: On Preserving Our Purchasing Power Amidst Inflation

Pilot's Log: On Preserving Our Purchasing Power Amidst Inflation

The Pilot’s Log is Back! Prior to covid we thought it important to send out more frequent communication, and well it’s time to reignite that effort. To that end, we are happy to share the first entry of the revived Pilot's Log based on a follow up to our recent Q1 commentary.

To read why Costco shoppers are buying as much as $200 million dollars worth of gold per month....read on.

Ensuring the resilience of our hard-earned savings demands a diversified portfolio that includes commodities, particularly oil or gold. US investors have been woefully unprepared for inflation with a historically significant under allocation to commodities…not us.

Sunny days are on the horizon!

Sunny days are on the horizon!

Over the last couple months we have seen many analyst reports calling for a reemergence in the growth of earnings and generally an upbeat/bullish outlook for the economy and stocks. The narrative goes: The Fed has finished hiking interest rates, and it will soon lower the fed funds rate creating a stimulative impact on the economy and market. The market has celebrated this narrative with many calling for a “soft landing” and pricing in as many as 5 Fed rate cuts. As a result, many market analysts are “all in.” Some of those young folks have proclaimed a generational buying opportunity. We couldn’t disagree more with this outlook.

Outperforming requires an unconventional portfolio

Outperforming requires an unconventional portfolio

From our founding days at Pilot Wealth Management, we have been consistently and unabashedly value investors. We like to buy things that are undervalued by fundamental measures and ideally aligned with principled people who steward their investors capital as if it were their own. With any investment style, there are times when it has “underperformed” and there are times when it has “outperformed” the market averages. The performance of the “60/40” traditional portfolio’s performance has been abysmal of late. This is not the case with the portfolios we have assembled for you. Since the S&P 500 peaked at the end of 2021, our largest holdings have certainly outperformed. 

Bank Failures and Should We Be Worried?

Bank Failures and Should We Be Worried?

Over the last week we have had two banks in the United States fail. One of those banks, Silicon Valley Bank was the 16th largest bank by assets and deposits with over $200+B and $170+B respectively. While I don’t want to minimize the importance of this as there are a significant number of depositors and businesses exposed, I don’t believe this is going to lead to a widespread systemic banking crises. This will be resolved in short order, but we do have reason to be worried. 

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

In 1964 Henry Littlefield wrote an article explaining the political and economic allegory in the book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The book, written by Lyman Frank Baum and published in 1900 describes a number of metaphors explaining the economic and political realities facing the country in the 1890s. Following the Mid 1800s “Gilded Age” and subsequent depression era, the wealth gap had become untenable and a number of politicians thought that an inflationary expansion of the monetary policy could be the answer to help the average American. Unfortunately, just like today, economic upheaval ensued. The tornado swept up Dorothy and displaced them into the land of OZ and she exclaimed, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.” 

Inflation, the Fed, and Investment Implications

Inflation, the Fed, and Investment Implications

We have written in the past that all eyes are on the US Federal Reserve - and they are in quite the pickle. The Fed funds rate, or the rate at which the Fed regulates the overnight lending rate for the US banking system, is used to set the bar for the valuation of all assets around the globe. The Feds most important mandate is to hold inflation steady at 2% and there by facilitate the orderly functioning of the US (and global) economy. With this over simplified measure, the Fed has failed miserably having held interest rates too low for far too long…

The Rollercoaster: Volatility, Inflation and Opportunity

The Rollercoaster: Volatility, Inflation and Opportunity

Volatility has returned. Nick has lots of thoughts to share in his note below, but this is the highlights from my vantage point:

  1. Inflation is here and we were uncannily positioned to reap the rewards.

  2. Interest rates have soared to the detriment of those that need money to sustain ridiculously high valuations and growth.

  3. We love volatility and times like this! We continue to outperform the market so far and remind ourselves that this is when we sew the seeds for future returns.

Note Against the Backdrop of Ukraine

Note Against the Backdrop of Ukraine

Let me first begin by offering that the humanity of the current developments in Ukraine are not lost on us. While we have been deeply focused on portfolios and the risks and opportunities that we face due to the current conflict, we are saddened for the people of Ukraine and that we find ourselves in this situation. As a global community, I wish we could learn from our past mistakes. My youngest son asked me this morning "how does killing each other solve problems?" To some questions, I do not know the answers.

Groundhog Day: Have We Been Here Before? A Review & Outlook

Groundhog Day: Have We Been Here Before? A Review & Outlook

It has been quite the past 12 months on all fronts. On the personal front, this time last year my family and I were finishing up our home remodel, living in a tiny rental, and helping our kids through online, remote learning. The pandemic had slowed the economy but was starting to come back. Nick and I would Zoom each other discussing the insanely high valuations on technology companies while betting the farm that inflation would impact more than just lumber and construction costs. As we begin 2022…

What A Difference A Year Makes

What A Difference A Year Makes

I’m not sure anyone was prepared for the wild ride that was 2020, let alone the rosy market that we have experienced in the first half of 2021. While technology investors aren’t too happy with their recent losses, we are pleased with our results. Emerging markets, international value and commodities related stocks have done well, but real economic growth (after inflation) is far from certain, as is real returns from bonds. Inflation of course has reared its head, but how stubborn will commodity and labor prices be? And will it be enough to spur longer term inflation? Our non-conventional portfolios have paid off handsomely over the last 12 months. We will likely continue to do well in this Federal Reserve, stimulus driven wonderland we are experiencing.

Turbulence & Possible Foreshadowing

Turbulence & Possible Foreshadowing

This quarter has been a wild ride in markets. By just looking at the major indexes (S&P 500 for example) it appears to have been a fairly ordinary, run-of-the-mill quarter. When you look at the sectors and individual names you get a much more turbulent picture, however. This turbulence is important to be aware of and is giving us clues of potential market weakness. Over-valued technology names, excessive leverage in the system and a significant change in inflation expectations foreshadow volatility and necessitate a cautious stance.